Hold on to your beer cozies, but it seems the lady likes the libation.
That's right. According to the Veritas Truth Survey (VTS), more
Filipino females drink alcoholic beverages than males - 52% to 48%.Furthermore, and perhaps an explanation to the numbers, the survey said that more married respondents consume alcoholic beverages at 57% compared to single respondents at 43%.
As to consumer preference the top three alcoholic beverage of choice are: San Miguel (rank 1), Red Horse(RED WHORES LOL!)(rank 2) and Tanduay (rank 3).
As to age range, the youngest documented drinker is 13 years old while a majority of alcoholic beverage drinkers are from ages 19-25 comprising at least 25.55%.
The next largest age group of drinkers comes from ages 29-35 comprising at least 14.38%.
On a national scale the survey reveals that 66% of Filipinos are alcoholic beverage drinkers with those living in Luzon with the highest percentage of drinkers relative to regional population at 58.9%. In the Visayas it's 21.5% and those in Mindanao at 19.6%.
When analyzed by region, the National Capital Region (at 17%), Region 4A (at 15%) and Region 7 (at 8%) were the top 3 regions with the most alcoholic beverage consumption while the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) scored the lowest in consumption at 2%.
As to the frequency of alcoholic beverage consumption, 79% of the respondents said that they would drink alcoholic beverages only during special occasions while 11% would drink alcohol on a weekly basis, 6% on a monthly basis and 4% on a daily basis.
This implies that almost 21% of Filipinos are regular alcoholic beverage drinkers.
Alcoholic beverage consumers are equally distributed between urban and rural locations. When analyzed by salary range those earning P5,000-P14,999 would consume more alcoholic beverages (at 41%) compared to those earning P15,000-P24,999 at 26%; those earning P25,000-Above at 20%; and those earning P4,999-below at 13%.
Radyo Veritas in partnership with the various priests and lay collaborators within the different Archdioceses and Dioceses successfully conducted this National Survey. It was conducted in 85 Archdioceses and Dioceses covering all 17 regions during the 2nd Quarter of 2012, with 2,500 respondents.
Respondents were chosen on the basis of stratified random sampling, with +/- 2% margin of error, under Slovin’s formula. The sampling method involves the division of a population into smaller groups known as strata (per diocese) with of 2,500 respondents of the study. — DVM, GMA News
WASSSSHUUUUPPPPPP DOWDS!!! This is BLUE MUNKY again, ready to rape y'all with lyrical masterpieces indeed needed for STUPIDITY mashups to infinity and beyond. LOL! My blog is picking up pace, so please comment on the reaction section below. You could be anonymous and spar with me, but MERCY is still on maximum tolerance.Commenting is a risk still!!! So let us go within this present context on what I am about to talk. Alcohol addiction on its finest form. So, let us go on the next paragraph and separate and look beyond what this survey is... the real meaning behind it.
Most of you are just ignorant of things that happen around you. But let me refresh your mind. Mass MEDIA ITSELF will explain HOW SOCIETY IT IS TODAY. It is purely metaphysics.
ART imitates life, And LIFE imitates ART. (VICE-VERSA)
I can still go on and shove everything (SHIT!) on your throat!!! Reality is much stranger than fiction.From movies, to telenovelas, to commercials, the print media including newspapers/magazines/tabloids,the radio talk from disk jockeys from a.m station to f.m AS IN EVERYTHING!!! Husbands checking out other wives, wives checking out other husbands and VICE-VERSA. Now, it is fuckingly accepted!! It is now a NORM. Swapping wives and husbands... is NORMAL. At least the mass media made you calm and clear about society's stand about this matter, because IT IS THE NORM RIGHT!!! Keep CALM!!! THIS IS NORMAL KEEP CALM!!!
Mass MEDIA is shaping your opinion. You are a sheep for following it. But again, what is the direct significance of this article to what is happening upstairs??? Yepss!! You got it right. But still...if you are too dumb to think, and too useless to comprehend, let me HIT YOU WITH A BATOOOOOONNN!!
Alchoho is directed co-related about what is happening around you!!! And yes too, I purposely wrote alchoho on its mistake form or simply the Smellings are wrong.... POOOOOOOOOP!!!!
(BRAIN ALERT: If this post is disturbing you should turn elsewhere. You are reading this post while thinking at the same time. If you are fond on masturbating your feelings go back on facebook and update your status or post pictures on what will have to eat for the evening. Or eventually if you chose to read and be sensible. CARRY ON!!)
The rise of alcohol sales is strictly related about how society perceive REALITY. It is a objective truth!! Look at the statistics.
Hold on to your beer cozies, but it seems the lady likes the libation.
That's right. According to the Veritas Truth Survey (VTS), more
Filipino females drink alcoholic beverages than males - 52% to 48%.Women are much more unstable when it become to being drunk. It is a sudden "bump and grind" after SABADO NIGHTS!! There husbands are too far away to fuck them because maybe they work abroad or work far away. It is basic, but some of you doesnt know that this is really paramount on understanding how the PINOY SOCIETY works. It is a long chain of causality that I have been able to understand, comprehend and came up on a conclusion that everything is---->under the same tree.
= Increase sales of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.
= Increase infidelity tendencies.
= Increase addiction(alcohol).
= Increase "death" due to accidents.
= Increase health problems
= or just simple INCREASE CHAOS.
That CAUSALITY you can see upstairs are cycles of tendencies and products of alcohol sales. The sale of this called ALCOHOLIC beverages are the denominator of these factors that exist within the society. And GUESS WHAT the main USERS of this BEVERAGES are WOMEN. Men are basically emasculated long---long time ago. It is basic, but again this would be 15,000 pages if I have the liberty of timery(TIME) to write this SHIT! After the woman empowerment a decade ago, and we came with this SHIT!
So how would the GUBAMENT/ELITE control the population of savages???!!